Here we go

Friday, November 30, 2007

Well, here we go. I am jumping in ... giving blogging a try. I enjoy visiting the blogs of so many friends, it is so inspiring. It is like going to each and every home to say hello and see what wonderful things they are creating, trips they are taking, things they are sharing. So many of my friends are so productive with their art and have a wonderful steady stream of imagination flowing. Alas, I love it all, crazy quilting, sre, fiber art, stamping, sewing, but along with this diverse range of activities, I have many others and quite a few obligations each and every week, so I will just have to take this one step-at-a-time and see how it goes.

My main focus for this blog will be creativity and where it takes me. One's imagination and creativity is such a blessing and I am certainly thankful for any bit of creativity that comes my way and the skill with which the Lord allows me to express it. Seeing the creativity of others continues to amaze and inspire me and bring such joy. I have the most amazingly creative and skilled friends and with ther permission, I will be sharing their work, as well as mine and hope you will enjoy our journey.

I am a contributing writer for the online CrazyQuilt magazine, as well and invite you to enjoy the articles and eye candy provided there; it is free.

With this being my first post (I am flying by the seat of my pants for sure), let me introduce you to my constant indoor companions. This is Emma, our great pyr, and JJ, our parrot. They are ever faithful to encourage and provide needed smooches throughout the day.

I have a humble studio, which is usually messy and piled high. It is the third part of a 3-car garage we enclosed. I share the room with my DH, he has an office at one end of the room (said he missed me when I was out there so we compromised and moved him in too). I usually have to clean each time I begin a project because I tend to pull from every nook and cranny while I work. If I get brave enough, I will post a pic or two. I love books and classes - I can never get enough. I have been fortunate to have taken classes with Mary Jo Hiney, Judith Baker Montano, Victoria Adams Brown, Lesley Riley, Sue Bleiweiss , Paula Scaffidi, to name a few and continue to soak up what I can every opportunity I get. I did not start embroidery, silk ribbon work and fiber art until about five years ago and consider myself still quite a novice, wide-eyed and ready to learn everything I see. I never took home economics in high school and did not have a grandmother that taught me to knit or embroider much to my dismay so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Well, that's it for my first post - I did it! I hope you will be back to watch my journey unfold and see the things I create with inspirations I will share from books, classes, friends, blogs and my little brain :-)


Judith said...

Jules, how wonderful to see you in blogland, I am so pleased you have ventured in. I am really looking forward to your creativity and see where God takes you. Welcome Dear friend.
New Zealand

Jane said...

Cool! Your blog sounds just like you, so when I read it, it'll be like visiting. Great!
Love ya,

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