
Thursday, May 9, 2013

I have been taking a online art course from Jeanne Oliver (you know I love my classes!) called The Journey of Letting Go, Beauty from Ashes.  This is so spot on for me right now.  I have had a lot of loss and unexpected changes in quite a few of my relationships and have been trying my best to work my way from a tattered heart to a restored one.  Oh, don't get me wrong, I still have so much to be thankful for and sweet, special moments and people in my life, but the rug was definitely pulled out from under me on a number of things that I am still struggling to come to terms with.  People that have been a very part of me, people I truly trusted and loved that have turned away or unfortunately, I'm finding, were never really there in the first place; or the shattering of the rose-colored glasses that had me seeing people completely different than who they really have shown themselves to be.  Have you ever had that experience?  Where you thought you had a wonderful friendship only to have it shockingly evaporate when you asked for much needed balance. I recently lost a friendship of 42 years and am only now seeing the truths that had been there in front of me for a long, long time. Or, the family member(s) that betray your love, trust and dedication so fiercely and unexpectedly that it shakes you to the core.  Well, these have been some of the events taking place in my life as of late along with the death of my dear father.  Yea, my world has been turned upside down in many ways and I have good days and bad days.  My faith in Christ gives me hope and strength on the bad days and, the good Lord, has graciously given me a wonderful, supportive husband who holds my hand through it all - a blessing indeed. can see that is why I said Jeanne's class was spot on for me right now.  Her class is a beautiful, albeit, at times uncomfortable, journey into looking at the truths that surround you and the events in your life, and often with a fresh new perspective through artistic expression.  She prompts you with amazing questions which make it easier to really look inside and reflect upon your "truths".  She shares her own stories, bravely with an open heart.  Below are a couple of excerpts from an art journal put together in this class.

Pictures above...This is the first time I ever worked with paper clay.  Jeanne shows you how to easily build an armature (or skeleton) for the piece and jump in with the paper clay.  Once your piece is completely dry - it is painted and glazed and has the look of a statue. Mine is called "Letting Go"... as this is what I am striving to let go of the past and move forward with hopeful expectation for amazing blessings.

Here is a journal I created in another of Jeanne's classes.  I use this one to inventory my art supplies and work up color palettes and combinations.
I have found that Pinterest in an invaluable tool for inspiration for my artful endeavors.  Inspiration for color combinations, faces, paintings, techniques, and so much more.  Who knew?  Oh, and Jeanne introduced me to an IPad app that is so cool - its called Procreate and I believe it is $4.99.  It is a great way to practice sketching on the go!  Here is my first practice piece:
I also have to tell you that when you are a part of a class like this, the others in the class are wonderfully encouraging and so are their works of art. You quickly find that we are all much more alike than not

Well, I want to leave you with a link to I think one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard.  I hope it blesses you as much as it does me every time I hear it.

As always, I pray the Lord will guide you each and every day and shower you with His blessings...


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